if you dunno what my blog address or blog title means,
it means, "A world of Nothing"
you can see it below the title, i just added it!
just suddenly thought of it, so i use it!:D:D
i am still learning to speak japanese, by myself cos i didn't want coaching later too much stress.
haha! right, my motive to create this blog is to write about something...
ANIME! MANGA and things like that.
there will be lots of things other then reviws of them, there will be lots of things, read below below for more details!!!
i will post mostly my opinions so those people out there dun take this all as facts!
i am a japanese freak, everyong calls me jap girl,
cos almost everything i do or say is japanese, japanese and japanese
now, lets start off with....

Arashi and News are japanese boy bands,
but for me, I AM AN ARASHI FAN!!!
MATSUMOTO JUN IS MY IDOL ever since he acted in HANA YORI DANGO as Domyougi Tsukasa
MY WISH FOR HIM: have Inoue Mao as his girlfriend!!!!!
OKOK, enough of that, now to be honest,
i feel that the people in ARASHI are not as cute as the boys in NEWS
(except for Jun:3)
but in music, ARASHI rocks!!!
my cousin is a fan for NEWS, but i am not so crazy about them
they dun seem to be able to win ARASHI in this round
sorry for those NEWS fans out there, but NEWS also rock the world!
but it is hard to declare the winner, cos both sides are too good!
but in my mind, MY MIND okay, you people dun need to agree...
THAT ARASHI IS THE WINNER for todays battle!!!!!
to tell you a bit more about my blog, other than battles like you have just seen will be posted,
pictures and personality tests will be posted, so will songs and other stuff stuffs!!!
but i guarantee, all will be ANIME ANIME ANIME!!!
stay tune for more!!!
sneek peek for the next post: VAMPIRE KNIGHTS WILL GO ON AIR!!!!
But the post might not be posted tomorrow, maybe on Fri(sorry, cos i busy!)
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